Thursday, May 17, 2012

Responsible Connections: — iKeepSafe

Responsible Connections: — iKeepSafe

I have heard of police officer/detectives creating fake facebook profiles, friending children in thier area and sometime using it to get children to reveal things they shouldn't etc. They then teach the children about the dangers on the internet. Showing them that not everyone tells the truth about themselves online and the other dangers associated with online social networking. I have never heard of a school adminstrator doing this. I know it's wrong to create a fake profile and I don't know exactly why she created, it's said that she was using to spy on students and parents in her district. But I am curious about why all these people would friend someone they didnt know, a person that didn't even exsist. This proves that internet safety is not being taught and if it is, the wrong topics are being covered. I would never freind someone I didn't know personally and am still even careful about that. If I where a parent in this school district or even a teacher I would be upset at the adminstrators actions, beucae morally it seems wrong. I know my adminstrators are on Facebook and some teachers in my district are freinds with them, I am uncomfortable with that. I would beafriad that one whack-a-doddle post cuase I thought it was funny or was having a bad day and I would be called into thier office and have to explain myself. I don't think so!