Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Love of Technology Does Not Always Translate into Career Interest

Love of Technology Does Not Always Translate into Career Interest

This article was interesting. It showed that thought teens may have an interest in technology and be good at it that they do not necessarily see themselves as going into a career in technology. I think that that is a little sad. I hope that maybe teachers especially like me who teach computers can find ways to encourage students with the skills to move in the direction of a technology field.

Education World: Mobile Apps and Devices Increase Achievement

Education World: Mobile Apps and Devices Increase Achievement

At first the title of the article really caught my eye, then as I read more I was disappointed. The study only focused on one app so how can they say that mobile apps and devices increase achievement. I would be interested in a better study to see what mobile apps can do to help students.

Groups Urge Facebook Not to Aim Ads at Children Under 13

Groups Urge Facebook Not to Aim Ads at Children Under 13

The headline of this article caught my eye immediately, because according to the usage policy for facebook and most other web based social sites, you have to agree that you are above the age of 13. So why would anyone put ads up that are targeting children under 13? If this is true about the ads then facebook is admitting that they are aware that there are under age users on their site and doing nothing about it. Then that raise the same issue, what can be done. I wish I had answer.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Facebook to give young children access — iKeepSafe

Facebook to give young children access — iKeepSafe

Since children are signing up anyway, this maybe a good idea. To allow them to sign up but with restrictions on what they can and can't see and parental control. But since kids are already lying about their age on FB and not telling their parent they are on it, will this really make a difference?

Marsali Hancock Delivers Keynote Address — iKeepSafe

Marsali Hancock Delivers Keynote Address — iKeepSafe
I know, I know another article about Internet safety, but I just had to share because I really like the video they attached to the article.

The Importance of Internet Safety | Edutopia

The Importance of Internet Safety | Edutopia
I know there are many articles out there talking about Internet safety but what I liked about this one was there was a plan to try and educate the parents. There were steps that they took to take the time to teach parents how the computers worked and help them teach their kids to be safe.

Would You Vote for Your Next President on Facebook? [POLL] - ABC News

Would You Vote for Your Next President on Facebook? [POLL] - ABC News

I love technology being a computer teacher and am from time to time a facebook junky but.....is this what our country is coming to???? Actually the article is about digitizing voter registration in New York, which I think is a great idea. But as they mention what does come next, in this age of technology?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Computers grade Essays....

Computers Grade Essays.....But not Always Well

I had heard of programs that would grade students writing, don't know anyone that uses them yet. We are changing our standards and curriculum in NJ and have been told that we will all be required to include writing and reading in our classes. I am by no means a great writer or reader and worry that having to include this in my classes will be difficult for me. So I am intrigued by this kind of program. I know we can not always rely on computers to do all of our work for us but we can let them make it easier for us.

Profits and Questions at Online Charter Schools

Profits and Questions at Online Charter Schools

Wow was this was really interesting! This article talked about how even though financially this company and school were thriving how they were failing their students in the worst way. Students dropping out before completions, teachers being forced to pass students though they did not do the work. It's sad to say that sometimes I see this kind of stuff in my own school, not so much the dropping out, but just pass them not matter how badly or little they did. I have no problem with online schools as long as they are doing what is best for the kids and not what is best for their bank account

How Virtual Laser Keyboards Work

Fuller, John. "How Virtual Laser Keyboards Work" 05 February 2009. HowStuffWorks.com. <http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/gadgets/travel/virtual-laser-keyboards.htm> 08 June 2012.

I saw something about these years ago and at that time thought that I would have seen more of them around by now. In fact I have not hardly seen them at all. I thought that we would seem them used with cell phone and computers and even now they would be great for tablets, but they are not out there. Maybe because they require a specific type of surface to be projected onto. From the article I couldn't tell if they were cost effective or not, and that maybe a reason why I have not seen more of them out there.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Pinterest 101 Tutorial

Pinterest 101 Tutorial

I thought I would post this because of the very first blog I posted about Pinterest. I thought It would be nice to share that there is now a tutorial out there for Pinterest.

Is Twitter Slowing Down?

Is Twitter Slowing Down?

I thought this article was interesting compared to the article I posted earlier. The article I posted earlier talked about how Twitter was getting bigger due to people leaving facebook. This article however seems to think that Twitter is slowing down and and facebook is not growing but definitely has more steady users.
I don't know who to believe?

A Tech Expert's Not-So-Secret Sources | Edutopia

A Tech Expert's Not-So-Secret Sources | Edutopia

As a computer teacher I myself am guilty of just googleing things people need or ask me to find. What I like about this article it that he lists other locations to find technology tools and resources for education.

Think Before You Click: Internet Safety Tips for Parents | Edutopia

Think Before You Click: Internet Safety Tips for Parents | Edutopia

I wish more parents would read articles like this. I try and I am only one person to teach my students about Internet safety, but it can't end there. Parents have to do their part at home. Using filters on home computers can be helpful, but it should not let parents off the hook from teaching their children to be safe on the Internet. I have always taught my 4th graders, that when ever they see something on the Internet that makes them uncomfortable, tell a trusted adult. Don't just walk away and ignore it because then the situation can't be fixed.

Kids and Social Networking: What’s New, What’s Now, What’s Next? — iKeepSafe

Kids and Social Networking: What’s New, What’s Now, What’s Next? — iKeepSafe

As I was reading this article..my jaw also dropped when she mentioned that 50% of a kindergarten class were on facebook. So I went and check facebook's rights of use policy

Registration and Account Security
Facebook users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way. Here are some commitments you make to us relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account:

  1. You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission.
  2. You will not create more than one personal profile.
  3. If we disable your account, you will not create another one without our permission.
  4. You will not use your personal profile for your own commercial gain (such as selling your status update to an advertiser).
  5. You will not use Facebook if you are under 13.
  6. You will not use Facebook if you are a convicted sex offender.
  7. You will keep your contact information accurate and up-to-date.
  8. You will not share your password, (or in the case of developers, your secret key), let anyone else access your account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account.
  9. You will not transfer your account (including any page or application you administer) to anyone without first getting our written permission.
  10. If you select a username for your account we reserve the right to remove or reclaim it if we believe appropriate (such as when a trademark owner complains about a username that does not closely relate to a user's actual name).
and right there number 5 "You will not use Facebook if you are under 13." I guess no one is checking in on this one. But how can you tell? People lie all the time on social network sites. Maybe the age limit needs to be higher and then require a credit card or drivers license for age verification. I actually think that maybe a good idea, but good ideas very rarely get looked at.

I myself have looked at twitter once and only because a professional development workshop where he had us sign up for an account. I have not been back to it since. I don't know why but I don't like it. I did like facebook, I say did like because it has been getting out of hand with it's updates etc. But I like having the photo albums to share with my family and Friends and I must admit am addicted to farmville :) I have a myspace account too, but have seen that slowly going to back to musicians for which it was originally created. There are so many more social networking sites out there that it is almost impossible to keep up with them all. Which I have to admit I have been slacking at and need to get caught up with so that I better educate my students.

Friday, May 25, 2012

How to Attract Women (to Computer Science)

How to attract Women (to Computer Science)

Being a women teaching computers this article hit home. I know what it's like to be in a field surrounded by men. Both my building and district tech support are men and everyone thought it was weird when our district hired a women to be the tech support at our elementary school. My school district beyond our tech support is unusual. all four computer teachers between our middle and elementary schools are women, but at the high school level there are two men and one women. I myself never had a female computer teacher, they were all men and most classes I took in computers were heavy with mean a light on women.

How to Rewire Your Burned-Out Brain: Tips from a Neurologist | Edutopia

How to Rewire Your Burned-Out Brain: Tips from a Neurologist | Edutopia

I thought this article was interesting because I think at this time of year we are all feeling the burn-out. 
Student behavior can sometimes become frustrating and I know I begin to wonder what am I doing wrong. According to this article we all need to know that we are not alone and feeling burnt out is not a reflection on aur ability to teach. We are teaching in a tough time, large class sizes and dwindling resources make our jobs even more difficult. The article then goes on to talk about how to rewire our brains so that we don't feel the burn-out. I am planning on giving it a try, even though we only have 10 days left in actual teaching days left at our school.

Keeping up with google

Why We Keep Up With Google

Being a computer teacher I found this article very interesting. Why do we keep up with google? I think google is at the fore front of technology advances. With all their web based services it makes creating and sharing a multitude of things easy. I myself use google calendar and share it with my husband so we can know when and where we both are with all our different meetings etc. I also use google docs with has just changed names to google drive to create forms and files that are easily shareable. There was even talk at one time about my school dropping all the Microsoft office programs to use google so that compatibility would no longer be an issue. We did not go through with it because google docs was to basic to meet our curriculum standards. I am curious to see where google goes in the future.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Responsible Connections: — iKeepSafe

Responsible Connections: — iKeepSafe

I have heard of police officer/detectives creating fake facebook profiles, friending children in thier area and sometime using it to get children to reveal things they shouldn't etc. They then teach the children about the dangers on the internet. Showing them that not everyone tells the truth about themselves online and the other dangers associated with online social networking. I have never heard of a school adminstrator doing this. I know it's wrong to create a fake profile and I don't know exactly why she created, it's said that she was using to spy on students and parents in her district. But I am curious about why all these people would friend someone they didnt know, a person that didn't even exsist. This proves that internet safety is not being taught and if it is, the wrong topics are being covered. I would never freind someone I didn't know personally and am still even careful about that. If I where a parent in this school district or even a teacher I would be upset at the adminstrators actions, beucae morally it seems wrong. I know my adminstrators are on Facebook and some teachers in my district are freinds with them, I am uncomfortable with that. I would beafriad that one whack-a-doddle post cuase I thought it was funny or was having a bad day and I would be called into thier office and have to explain myself. I don't think so!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Running On Empty: The Failure to Teach K–12 Computer Science in the Digital Age

Full Report

After reading this report, I have to say it, I'm scared. I teach basic computer applications in a middle school and the thought that less and less schools are actually educating students in the areas of computer science really worries me. "...As the role and significance of computing has increased in society and the economy, quality
computer science education is being pushed out of the K–12 education system in the U.S" The article states that is the past five 5 years there have been less introductory and advanced placement computer science classes being taught at the secondary level. I was shocked to hear this I thought, computer science was on the rise and more classes were being offered. I could go on forever about this report, it's a subject close to my heart. I hope you take the time to read the whole report as it was eye opening.

Confronting Bullies and Bullying

ikeepsafe.org ~ Confronting Bullies and Bullying

Bullying has become a large issue here in New Jersey, new policies are in place and lots of forms are no required to be filled out. If anyone so much as mentions the word bullied we are required to do something. You can longer look at it like someone having a bad day or two people just not getting a long. This article makes some good points about bullying, that's it's not universal and that a lot of bullies are such because of problems at home. I do like that it points out that not all aggression is bullying. My school treats almost every issue of aggression as bullying I think we are definitely going in the wrong direction with this.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Kids and Tech: Failure Might Be The Best Option | Edutopia

Kids and Tech: Failure Might Be The Best Option | Edutopia

I think this the a great article. It is so hard to teach children to be responsible with all the new technology that is out there because we can not possibly cover every situation. But when do we as educators take the time to teach them? Maybe it is best to let them mess up and then teach them what is correct, those teachable moments that so many teachers like to talk about. But how do we catch them? There was an incident in our school recently where two girls had photographed themselves top-less and were sharing it with other students. Once they were caught how was it handled? I wish I knew. Did we take them time to talk to them about appropriate use of technology or did we just punish them for doing it? I think one great way to educate properly, would be to start with educating the parents. They grew up in a different world then their kids are growing up in. Once they know how to better handle things we can work together to make sure that children are being able to use the technology appropriately.

Student Podcast


If you have the right technology, podcast can be a wonderfulr thing. There is already a teacher in my school who has his students create podcasts in his Language Arts classroom. If I am remembering correctly the students would have to do thier traditional writing assignment and then once it was corcceted they would have permission to begin recording it. The podcast took place of the students presenting thier writing to the class. I think the students creating podcast for the school newsletter is a gerat idea. It creates a sense of school pride when students know whats going on in thier school and get involved. if I had more time in my classes I would definatly get into this!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What is the Point of Pinterest

What is Pinterest? Article

Being a computer teacher I like to try and follow all the new things that coming out especially for the social networks on the Internet. I do this because I want to be able to inform my students of what is safe and what may be unsafe for them to be doing on the Internet. When I first noticed Pinterest appearing on facebook I had no idea what it was. being curious I went to it's site looked around and even joined myself. I still had no idea what it was really about. After reading this article, I discovered I was really confused about what I thought it could be. It appears based on what I read that Pinterest is mostly for inspiration for peoples careers and hobbies, followed closely by being used just for images. After using it myself I felt it was more like Twitter where you found things to follow. I am planning on doing some research on what Pinterest is because to be honest I am still confused and though this article explained it well, the article contradicted what I saw when trying to use Pinterest.