Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Groups Urge Facebook Not to Aim Ads at Children Under 13

Groups Urge Facebook Not to Aim Ads at Children Under 13

The headline of this article caught my eye immediately, because according to the usage policy for facebook and most other web based social sites, you have to agree that you are above the age of 13. So why would anyone put ads up that are targeting children under 13? If this is true about the ads then facebook is admitting that they are aware that there are under age users on their site and doing nothing about it. Then that raise the same issue, what can be done. I wish I had answer.


  1. It is simple for children under the age of 13 to join Facebook just by changing the year in which they were born. I have overheard many conversations from students about Facebook and I know they are not over 13 years old. It makes me wonder, are their parents aware of their online activity? It makes no sense for Facebook to worry about ads aimed at younger children if these kids aren't allowed to have an account in the first place. I, too, wish I knew the answer!

  2. This is an interesting idea. Facebook doesn't want people using the site if they are under 13 but in reality they are using that regulation to cover themselves knowing full well that younger children are using the site. I guess that's just me being cynical though :o)
