Friday, May 25, 2012

How to Attract Women (to Computer Science)

How to attract Women (to Computer Science)

Being a women teaching computers this article hit home. I know what it's like to be in a field surrounded by men. Both my building and district tech support are men and everyone thought it was weird when our district hired a women to be the tech support at our elementary school. My school district beyond our tech support is unusual. all four computer teachers between our middle and elementary schools are women, but at the high school level there are two men and one women. I myself never had a female computer teacher, they were all men and most classes I took in computers were heavy with mean a light on women.

How to Rewire Your Burned-Out Brain: Tips from a Neurologist | Edutopia

How to Rewire Your Burned-Out Brain: Tips from a Neurologist | Edutopia

I thought this article was interesting because I think at this time of year we are all feeling the burn-out. 
Student behavior can sometimes become frustrating and I know I begin to wonder what am I doing wrong. According to this article we all need to know that we are not alone and feeling burnt out is not a reflection on aur ability to teach. We are teaching in a tough time, large class sizes and dwindling resources make our jobs even more difficult. The article then goes on to talk about how to rewire our brains so that we don't feel the burn-out. I am planning on giving it a try, even though we only have 10 days left in actual teaching days left at our school.

Keeping up with google

Why We Keep Up With Google

Being a computer teacher I found this article very interesting. Why do we keep up with google? I think google is at the fore front of technology advances. With all their web based services it makes creating and sharing a multitude of things easy. I myself use google calendar and share it with my husband so we can know when and where we both are with all our different meetings etc. I also use google docs with has just changed names to google drive to create forms and files that are easily shareable. There was even talk at one time about my school dropping all the Microsoft office programs to use google so that compatibility would no longer be an issue. We did not go through with it because google docs was to basic to meet our curriculum standards. I am curious to see where google goes in the future.